Friday, March 6, 2009

California's Upcoming Water Revolt By Shawn Steel

"...Californians now face an unprecedented, man-made threat to their stable way of life. Our state is slowly dying of thirst. This crisis, however, is one that could easily be avoided, if those in power in Sacramento wished to avoid it. In something of a continuing irony, it was the father of current state Attorney General and former madcap Governor Jerry Brown (early-’60s Governor Pat Brown) who made sure California would be provided adequate water supplies for 50 years. He succeeded. California’s population doubled and the Central Valley led world food production. But now we are running out of water. Why? The left blames the always handy drought. But much of California has always been a desert. That’s a convenient excuse of dictators, both real and would-be, employed in Russia in the 1930s, in Ethiopia in the ’80s, in North Korea, and California, now. In each case, the crisis was and is man-made..."

Steele presents the real story about water and California. Like many shortages, it is a question of distribution rather than a shortage of resources. It is a way to control the potato famine of Ireland...wheat was exported while the people had to eat diseased potatoes...or the grain locked up in storage facilities in Somalia kept away from the people by power-starved warlords...California Political Review is a great journal if you want a close look at California.

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