Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Post Star Trek Generations Make It So in California

“Make it so” now, the old familiar line of Star Trek and its spawn, seems to be the call of the fooled masses in California, who have voted for more and more add-ons to their property tax bills and ballot box sin taxes.  Promises like “we will repair the potholes” or “decrease class size” seem always to be the first to go unfulfilled in any permanent way or never fully get realized, as the insatiable need to build government and its bureaucracies and to feed the public sector unions marches on. Just because people have voted for the “make it so” events, they have not ensured the guarantee that the wish would become the reality. Their “socially liberal, and fiscally” whatever local officials were not Captain Kirks, who sought to complete the mission by conquering/eliminating the problem for a foreseeable future. No, the missions were their own re-elections paved with excuses, more public debt and increasing business killing regulations and government reliance.

But there is hope: on June 5, California voters said “NO” to a cigarette sin tax increase, and San Jose and San Diego enacted pension reform measures.  A lot more needs to be done, including the defeat of Gov. Moonbeam Brown’s $50 Billion Tax Hike Scheme on the November 2012 ballot. We need to say no to his publicly funded monument to his part in the architecture of California’s demise, aka, the California high-speed CHOO-CHOO. We need to find his successor, so he becomes a one term governor once again.

Life in California has gone through an arduous and long running bombastic period of an epic Star Trek plot. Before we can engage the battle to retake California, we must make some fundamental changes in the way we operate and think.  We need to advance the idea of subsidiarity, so that government is not the hinderer of the common good, but the promoter.  We must find the Captain Kirks who believe in their constituents and operate from the understanding that the “make it so” command means supporting/assisting the employed private sector, in order for the taxpayers in return to make the state healthier, leaner and more efficient.

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