Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our Lady of Waste Management | USCatholic.org

USCatholic.org: "Our Lady of Waste Management"
My burning question is how are those RCIA programs succeeding with this green mission. Have stewardship committees changed their focus to green committees? Sorry, I think the jury is out on the carbon footprint thing...could be one huge scam. First, we should scrutinize the science to decide the prudent next step. I think that BenedictXVI's call for the preservation of creation may favor starting with bioethics valuing the human person from conception to natural death as a good first step.

Make sure you check out Why Should Parishes Go Green and my favorite Glad you asked: Is it a sin to drive an SUV?. Of course, they don't mention Catholic families that have more than 2 kids. Coming from a family of ten children, I am a bit sensitive to the subject. A bicycle trip to the grocery store just doesn't do the job....I know, I am begging the question. but seriously, I think I would take the Great Commission in a different direction. I am asking, how does this spread the Gospel and promote the Sacraments (the seven Sacraments-"A sacrament, administered properly in the way established by Christ and with the proper intention, gives the grace it signifies." ).
The Catholic Coalition on Climate Change appears to be another opportunity for community organizing of a captive community used without their full knowledge and consent.

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